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Current Issue, Features, Food Sidney Ulakovic Current Issue, Features, Food Sidney Ulakovic

Off the Menu: Station 22

Take a moment and imagine this: a horrifying world where the birds cease to sing, and artists refuse to create new works for lack of a muse. That’s the dimension where hot dogs were never invented. Thankfully for all of us, Station 22, located inside Dawson Trail Brewery, is making all of our dreams come true with their Chicago Hot Dog.

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Food Sidney Ulakovic Food Sidney Ulakovic

Redhead + the Chef

Located downtown on Court Street, Redhead (Jennifer Biron) + the Chef (Derek Cyrenne) have a few phenomena that they are known for. First off, the restaurant is open on Mondays, when many others are closed. The second is their freshly prepared eggs Benedict. The amount of love and prep that goes into this dish is incredible.

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