The Closest You're Ever Going To Get: Magnus Theatre presents "A Closer Walk With Patsy Cline"
By Kyle PoluykoNearly 20 years after its profound Thunder Bay debut, "A Closer Walkwith Patsy Cline" triumphantly returns to the Magnus Theatre stage asthe company's 41st season opener. Featuring the remarkably gifted,laudable and deeply affecting performance of Natasha O'Brien as Cline,the production's journey through the forever celebrated career of thesinging legend is the nearest one will ever get to hearing Patsy Clinelive today. The shared experience of the audience nears beingreligious - the joy of the one of a kind music, and heartbreakingtragedy of the ending you know is coming but STILL shocks your core.Just as he did in 1994, director Mario Crudo has joined ajaw-droppingly multi-talented, phenomenal supporting ensemble withO'Brien's Cline to take the audience on a striking "closer walk." Setduring a March 5, 1963, West Virginia radio broadcast celebratingCline's still rising star, Jerry Getty as radioman Little Big Manguides the audience from the humble beginnings of Cline's career inhonky tonks to one of her pinnacle achievements - gracing thelegendary stage of Carnegie Hall - with the true, smooth cool of abroadcaster and the precious comedic timing of a few interactivecharacters including a Grand Ole Opry funny man. Enough cannot besaid about the band, led by Musical Director Danny Johnson, whosefingers practically melt into the keys of his piano. Together, thefive musicians deliver the accompaniment of over twenty timeless songswith talent and grace that equals or surpasses the instrumentals onCline's original recordings.But it is Natasha O'Brien in her Magnus debut as Patsy who makes youfeel the legend is your own personal friend. The role of Patsy Cline,as demonstrated in a number of small and big screen portrayals, is onethat could easily be made into a caricature. In O'Brien's skilledhands, she is no less the superstar we know Cline to have been, butalso the genuine woman who knew and respected the humble beginnings ofher life and never took her career nor her fans for granted. The firsttwo songs deftly show a Cline developing her signature sound but whenO'Brien takes to the stage for the third, There He Goes, O'Brienenraptures the audience with not an impression but an embodiment ofCline's legend, and you are "back in baby's arms." And it is with herhaunting first croon of the word crazy in the song of the same namethat you know O'Brien has taken you to the place of intensity andpassion that defined Cline."A Closer Walk With Patsy Cline" is the definitive theatrical musicalexperience and escape any theatre-goer will be touched by and departknowing a gift has been bestowed upon each of them. "A Closer WalkWith Patsy Cline" runs at Magnus Theatre through September 29th. Callthe box office for tickets at 345-5552 or visit tobook online.