Silver Mountain Historical Society Meeting
On Dec 9/12 at 1:00 p.m. at the Silver Mtn Station on Hwy 588, the Silver Mtn station will hold its incorporation meeting.Coinciding with the 105th birthday of the Silver Mtn Station, the last remaining rail station on the soon-to-be famous Port Arthur/Duluth/Western Railroad, the Society was formed in October with Chair Dave Battistel (local researcher, historian & teacher) & co-chair Shelley Simon, entrepreneur & outspoken supporter of historical preservation in the area.You can get further information from or Dave at and for a visual of the historical findings of Dave & the reason for our interest in preserving this piece of the Northwest's rail history, check out to view the videos of history being uncovered on our door step.This meeting is designed to organize & begin the journey of capturing & documenting the information revealed so far & that which is expected to come forward with the formation of this historical vision. I would be pleased to give you more information in order to capture the excitement of the birth of the vision that is Silver Mountain Historical Society!Ellen McInnis