Sara Kae: Maadaadizi


Maadaadizi is an Ojibwe word that means “starts a journey”—a befitting title for local singer-songwriter Sara Kae’s first extended release. The EP marks Kae’s transition from pop to folk, one that is made fairly seamlessly, as her voice greatly complements the warmth and liveliness of the strings heard throughout. Coming in at four songs, listeners will also find Kae thematically at the start of something on Maadaadizi as she grapples with change, whether it be the progression of a relationship towards an inevitable end on what is personally my favourite song, “Run,” or the weight of personal and societal expectations as you get older on the lead single “25.” Throughout, we find Kae developing her understanding of the world, and in turn, the way she wishes to be understood. Maadaadizi is an easy and beautiful listen that leaves you wishing there was more. Fingers crossed we see these songs again in a full-length album sometime in the future!

-Sidney Ulakovic



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