Night Falling Art Exhibition


ART EXHIBITION: Bringing awareness to domestic violence creatively shown through true stories. DONATIONS SUPPORTING Thunder Bay and Area Victim Services. Proudly sponsored by Willow Springs Creative Centre and the Thunder Bay Armouries. Art work by Tessa Charlebois, among other artist... This event will offer a silent auction of art pieces, cocktails, tasty tapas, and much more... DONATED ART WORK IS NEEDED FOR THE SILENT AUCTION!! $10 Tickets will be donated *** The show is open August 25, 2012 during 7pm to 2am continuing daily during August 26 to the 29, from 11am to 3pm allowing FREE viewing to the general public*** DRESS CODE: Black and White Get your tickets at.. SHINE HAIR STUDIO! INN STYLE BEAUTY!Event Venue:Thunder Bay Amouries


Melvin Goes To Dinner


Die Active Y-ART SALE