June 2017
Although we’re still officially in spring, the signs of summer are all around the city. Trees are green, the buzz of lawnmowers echo through neighbourhoods, and for those who weren’t brave enough to endure the elements of the colder seasons, it’s time to hop back on your bicycle. Whether it’s memories of commuting in Port Arthur, cruising around Boulevard Lake, or exploring Sleeping Giant Provincial Park on a fat bike, cycling is synonymous with summer for me.With that in mind, our June cover story is all about biking. Starting with those with more experienced and knowledgeable on the topic, writer Bonnie Schiedel chats with Thunder Bay’s own Olympian cyclist Curt Harnett, and Justin Allec talks shop with bike mechanic Rob Moore. Speaking of tune-ups, we present an infographic for tips on maintaining your ride. But maybe you don’t know a cyclocross from a cruiser? That’s fine, we’re here to help with a guide that breaks down different types of bicycles, offering some suggestions for models depending on what you’re looking for. Also, Emma Christensen delves into the creative mind of bike builder and Guinness World Record holder Brad Graham. Lastly, whether it’s helping people getting moving on two wheels in the city or elsewhere in the world, we catch up with Community Spokes and Bikes for Humanity to see what the grassroot organizations are up to.Also in the issue, we help Flipper Flanagan's Flat Footed Four celebrate 50 years as integral members of the city’s music scene and travelling pro angler Rebekka Redd fills us in about filming her fly fishing adventures around the world. Plus, to get you in the mood for warmer weather, sommelier Jeannie Dubois serves up summer drink recipes and Betty Carpick ventures to Lincoln Street Eatery for some delicious and creative eats. And don’t forget to check out budding bikers, outdoor adventurers, and more in the summer issue of The Walleye Jr. So whether you’ve competed in the Tour de France or have just taken off your training wheels, we hope our June issue has something for you.-Adrian Lysenko