July 2012
Features■ 6 CoverStory: 18 Bands■ 10 TBay DJs■ 11 Music from the Big House■ 11 Kevin Sidlar’s TBay Bandwiki■ 12 Q&A with Rodney Brown■ 13 Coleman HellFood■ 14 Outside Patios■ 14 Gazpacho■ 19 Hard & Soft Ice Cream■ 21 Ted’s Kitchen■ 21 Prosecco with CanapésThe Arts■ 22 boy Roland■ 23 Local Art in a Global Context■ 23 Baggage Building Arts CentreCity Scene■ 24 Catch the Vespa Buzz■ 24 Once a Teacher■ 25 Tara Tries Out... SailingMusic■ 27 Henry Rollins review■ 28 Dala Girls■ 28 Fred Eaglesmith■ 29 Burnin’ to the Sky■ 30 Kim Churchill■ 30 Five Alarm Funk■ 30 The Weber Brothers■ 32 Winnipeg Rock and Roll Road TripArchitecture■ 36 Slate River BackyardHealth■ 37 You Are What You Drink■ 37 Get Beach Smart!Film & Theater■ 38 The Zombies Have Arrived■ 38 The Little Movie That CouldTravel■ 41 Shannon’s Dispatches from the Southern HemisphereLiving Green■ 42 EcoSuperior question of the month■ 42 Sprouting Plants,Budding CommunitiesLIVE FROM THE ROCKFOLK FESTIVAL INSERT 15■ 20 Drink of the Month■ 34 Off the Wall Reviews■ 43 ZYGOTE bop■ 44 July EVENTS■ 45 The Wall■ 46 The Eye