International Peace Day

Rotarians of Thunder Bay are hosting a first-ever International Peace Day event in Thunder Bay on Saturday, September 21st at 12:00 noon at Prince Arthur’s Landing on the site of a new Peace Pole installed earlier in the summer. The United Nations' (UN) International Day of Peace is celebrated on September 21st each year to recognize the efforts of those who have worked hard to end conflict and promote peace. By creating the international Day of Peace in 2001, the UN devoted itself to worldwide peace and encouraged people to work in co-operation for this goal. Since its inception, Peace Day has marked personal and planetary progress toward peace. It has grown to include millions of people worldwide and many events are organized each year to commemorate and celebrate this day.Rotary is also known worldwide for its dedication to peace, goodwill and understanding and carries out its many humanitarian programs and activities through the effort of 36,000 clubs and 1.2 million Rotarians. Rotarians in Thunder Bay do their part here at home and in the world and earlier this year installed a symbolic monument to peace – a Peace Pole. A Peace Pole is a hand-crafted monument that displays the message and prayer “May Peace Prevail on Earth”on each of its sides and in different languages. There are tens of thousands of Peace Poles in 180 countries all over the world dedicated as monuments to peace. Thunder Bay’s Peace Pole displays the prayer to peace in English, French, and Ojibwa.Rotarians will gather on September 21st at the site of the Peace Pole and invite everyone to participate in a dedication ceremony that will take place at 12:00 noon at the site on Saul Laskin Drive overlooking our beautiful harbour. Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy the day at the waterfront. Area Rotarians hope to hold an annual celebration of Peace Day on September 21st at the Peace Pole location and plans are in the works for 2014 when more activities will take place.


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