Automatic: The Lumineers


Combining themes of modern human experience and social commentary, The Lumineers’ fifth studio album Automatic is unpredictably layered and emotionally dynamic. Beginning with the pulsating beat of “Same Old Song” and moving into the melodic “Asshole,” the album proves the band’s ability to play freely with tempo and instrumental layers. This is also evident in the album’s two solely instrumental songs, “Strings” and “Sunflowers.” Thematically rich are tracks like “Automatic” and “Better Day,” recognizing modern societal imperfections, and “You’re All I Got,” a song about struggling love that is reminiscent in both theme and sound of the older, classic albums by the band. The album is not without fault however, with the occasional abrasive and strained song, such as “Keys on the Table.” Despite this, the release culminates in a riveting final track, “So Long,” with a soaring sound bound to give listeners the perfect soundtrack to their main character moment. Once again, The Lumineers gift us many new additions to our alternative folk playlists with Automatic.

-Maya Ekman



816: V3nom


Liberation: ZZ Ward