Arts Extravaganza & Coffee House as a part of WinterFest at Prince Arthur's Landing

Celebrate Family Day with The Baggage Building Arts Centre at our Superior Experience Coffee house and Arts Extravaganza, on Monday February 18, from 1- 8pm in conjunction with the city's WinterFest event. Free family activities at Prince Arthurs Landing with art, readings, a fashion show and music showcasing work by Gift Gallery Members with fireworks to end the day.Activities start at 1 pm. There is no cost for the events, but food and beverages will be for saleCOFFEE HOUSE and ARTS EXTRAVAGANZA SCHEDULEMonday, February 18th (Family Day) Free admission1pm-3pm – Family Make and take arts & crafts tables - upper level- Art Demo’s –Main Floor3pm-3:30pm – Family Story Time – upper level4pm – 8pm/9pm – Coffee House – Main floor4pm-4:45pm- Robin Ranger & Readings4:45-5pm- Fashion Showcase5pm- 5:45pm- The Mandolin Brothers & Readings5:45-6pm- Fashion Showcase6pm-6:45pm- Damon Dowbak & Readings6:45pm-7pm- Fashion Showcase7pm-8pm- The Knackers with a 5-10min break for the fireworksThe Baggage Building Arts Centre is a non-registered, not for profit organization. The BBAC offered free children's programming last summer and will again this coming summer. The sales from the food and beverages will go to Willow Springs Creative Centre and towards the BBAC for more, free summer programming.Attendance at our previous events has been beyond our expectations and we hope for the same on Family Day, for the Coffee House and Arts Extravaganza. Come out and celebrate with some of the most giving members of our local creative community at the waterfront’s Baggage Building Arts Centre.It has been a great six months since we opened this summer. Call 684-2063 or visit for more info about things happening at the BBAC.


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