Studies from Holden's Wilderness


During June and July, visit the Calico Coffeehouse to experience the physical world through the eyes and emotions of local artist Brian Holden. Thirty-two studies from Holden’s Wilderness series will be on display—the works are created using several types of print-making techniques, including serigraphy, relief block, plate based intaglio & photopolymer gravure and collagraph plate. Holden uses traditional hand printing methods and more current non-toxic methods, like polymer plate.According to Holden, “using careful observation I study the delicate interplay that exists between structure, form, texture, line, colour, light, shadow and detail and apply it to the artwork. I am highly influenced by my surroundings and personal experiences. Influences are also derived from my appreciation for the work of various artists who share strong personal bonds with the natural world.”Landscape and nature are the prominent components of Holden’s work, he says he is “captivated with natural structures and designs found in the many varieties of organic life.” He developed an intimate connection with nature as a child living in northwestern Ontario and exploring the wilderness. According to Holden, “my imagery is a visual diary that captures my experiences as individual moments. They not only reflect a particular time and place but as forces of change proceed to alter these habitats and ecosystems, the studies might serve as a record or archive.”The Calico Coffeehouse is located at 316 Bay Street. You can learn more about Brian Holden’s art at


Summer in the Parks 2011 - Concert Line-up


Dine Alone Records and Friends Summer Sampler