Resilient Hearts — CAHEP's Inclusive Arts Project
By Susan HagensThe smell of sweet grass hung in the air, from the blessing provided by artist Ma-Nee Chacaby, as the Community Arts and Heritage Education Project (CAHEP) celebrated the completion of a new project.“Resilient Hearts Project is a community driven, inclusive, arts project fuelled by the strengths and stories of people in Thunder Bay. The project shares the voices, strategies, and ideas of those who are not always heard due to the barriers they face,” says Eleanor Albanese, Resilient Hearts program coordinator. “The project shares the voices, strategies, and ideas of those who are not always heard due to the barriers they face.”The project is in collaboration with community partners including Faye Peterson House, Community Clothing Assistance, Evergreen: A United Neighbourhood, Speak Up Program at Churchill Hub, Thunder Bay Boys and Girls Club, Community Action Group, and Inside Out Community Art Studio in Victoriaville Centre, more than 40 workshops were offered, engaging hundreds of participants ranging in age from toddlers to seniors.“Exploring themes of resilience and self-care, 14 artists facilitated a broad range of workshops in media arts, visual arts, book arts, textile arts, mixed media, creative movement, spoken and written word, poetry, zine making, sculpture and more.”The project culminated with the launch of a book Resilient Hearts which is available for $5 and depicts a collection of artwork, and stories from both the participant’s and artist’s perspective. A short animated video was also launched which featured the question: “Who is this person inside of me?” The launch was held on June 21 at the Baggage Arts Building which is going to be the new home of the Community Arts and Heritage Education Project (CAHEP) in the coming months. To learn more about the people behind the Resilient Hearts Project, visit their Facebook page where they are featuring the various artists which have been involved.