Help the Thunder Bay Field Naturalists Identify & Study our Flora
In partnership with local experts, the Thunder Bay Field Naturalists (TBFN) are creating an up-to-date plant checklist for the Thunder Bay District. This is a crucial tool for studying local nature and identifying regionally rare plants, such as arctic-alpine disjuncts and other important species. TBFN members use the checklist to confirm the value of their nature reserves and to assess the value of potential acquisitions. The finished list will be available to everyone to download from the TBFN website.
The Gosling Foundation will match contributions to this project, dollar for dollar, up to $2000. To donate online click here; please specify that the donation is for Nature Reserves (note that you do not have to purchase a membership to make a donation, but the TBFN requires your contact information to send a charitable tax receipt). Alternatively, you can mail your donation to TBFN Nature Reserves, P.O. Box 10037, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7B 6T6.
About the Thunder Bay Field Naturalists
The TBFN is a non-profit organization dedicated to the study of natural history; the wise use of natural resources; the preservation of natural areas; and teaching the public to understand and protect nature.
About Nature Reserves