City of Thunder Bay Spooktacular at Prince Arthur's Landing
Celebrate Halloween this weekend at the City of Thunder Bay’s SPOOKTACULAR at the Baggage Building Arts Centre at Prince Arthur’s Landing. This Sunday, October 28 from 1 to 5pm, various local artists will be hosting a Halloween SPOOKTACULAR event with FREE arts and craft activities for kids. Kids and adults are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes. An Enchanted Forest and Haunted Ghoulery created by local art groups, a free Puppet Show by the Thunder Bay Public Library, as well as Story Time, freaky food sculptures to view and bid on, a local artisan market, free games outside, and lots of Halloween treats are all part of the planned activities. To view times of activities or for more information, visit more information, contact Angie Jensen, Baggage Building Arts Centre, 684-2063 or