April 2012

In this issue:FEATURES■ 6 CoverStory:Sunny Thunder Bay■ 7 Living Off the Grid■ 8 On the Grid: Why go solar?■ 9 Jane Oldale■ 10 Frank the Solar Guy■ 11 100 Things■ 12 Green SchoolsARCHITECTURE■ 14 DSSAB BuildingFOOD■ 16 Kabab Village■ 17 Not Chilly in Chile■ 17 The FoundryCITYSCENE■ 18 Local Thrifting■ 18 Green Awards■ 19 Let Nature Be Thy FitnessPlayground■ 19 Jane’s WalkQ&A■ 20 Dr. Tom PukMUSIC■ 21 Burnin’ to the SkyBryan Adams■ 22 Robin Ranger■ 23 Our Lady Peace■ 23 Royal Wood■ 26 Great Bloomers, Yukon Blondeand Library Voices■ 26 Evan Pang■ 27 Point North■ 27 The Trews■ 27 Papa MamboTHE ARTS■ 28 Randy Thomas■ 29 Eugene Vandal■ 29 LU StudentMajor Studio ExhibitionLIVING GREEN■ 30 EcoSuperior questionof the month - Prevent Litter■ 31 Lars on HomesSolar Hot WaterFILM&THEATRE■ 33 A Little Bit Zombie■ 34 Grease■ 35 Love & Hate■ 35 Con College Film Program■ 16 Drink of the Month■ 24 Off the Wall Reviews■ 34 ZYGOTE bop■ 36 April EVENTS■ 37 The Wall■ 38 The Eye


Leadership in Need of a Makeover


Thunder Bay artists shine at the 2012 Northern Ontario Music and Film Awards