25th Annual Powwow Celebrates Aboriginal Culture
Photo: Peter PunaFrom March 15 -17, the Lakehead University Native Student Association (LUNSA) will be hosting its annual powwow at the C.J. Sanders Fieldhouse. This year’s theme is Celebrating 25 Years of Powwow at Lakehead University.“The LUNSA association executive is commemorating 25 years by kicking off the powwow season with this celebration,” said Sarah Nelson, LUNSA President. “We will be honoring those executive members who have gone before us and all of the wonderful university staff, local organizations and businesses, students and community members who make this possible. We look forward to seeing old and new faces at this year’s powwow,” Nelson said.This powwow showcases local talent and entertainment, free of charge, while reinforcing traditional aspects of Aboriginal culture such as drumming, dancing, singing, and giving thanks.Special Guests include:Master of Ceremonies: Nathan Moses (Pic River FN)Arena Director: Todd Genno (Pic River, FN)Spiritual Advisor: Kalvin Ottertail (Lac La Croix, FN)Host Drum: Little Bear Singers (Thunder Bay)Co-Host Drums: Mud Puddle Singers (Thunder Bay)Inuit throat singers: Becky Qilavvaq and Romani Makkik (Iqaluit, Nunavut)